Tuesday, 26 March 2013

26 March 2013

What a day. I thought it was going so well - aside from the usual bunch of things washing round in my head.

I discovered that, without realising it, I have just made the most deep and meaningful explanation of how I feel. To my ex-wife. Permit me to explain.

I have helped her with her Uni work on and off. I have, I suppose, been a sounding board. But this time her assignment was about "The Life Course", and interaction with health and social care. She asked if I minded her writing about me. So the past couple of days I have been talking about myself.

Generally I don't talk about me, or at least not about the real me because I write it here and send it off into the ether. That is my catharsis.

When I talk about myself it tends not to last long, as I watch people's eyes glaze over. Plus I'm always aware that "the definition of a bore is when someone asks how he is, he tells them". But what I say is always truthful, sometimes to my detriment.

This evening I discovered that what I was telling my ex was more than she expected and maybe more than she was prepared for. She hasn't as far as I know ever read this diary. She could have. I've offered to give her the URL. But now she has heard it from the source. Edited highlights, of course, but raw naked truth. My truth, told my way.


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