Sunday, 17 May 2009

17 May 2009

Why can't life be more straightforward? As if I didn't have enough to deal with as it is, now I find myself immersed in mystery as well. Well, perhaps mystery is too strong a term, but being to type of person I am, I like to understand what's what. And I don't.

Although I've pretty much given up on dating for the time being - I need to take time out and get my head together before I even give a passing thought to dating - I received an email from a dating site that I signed up on. Apparently someone had taken my 'match me' test. Well, it's not exactly mine, it's an algorithm-based method by which a computer tries to predict who'd be suited to me, and I suppose vice versa. Fine if I was looking to date a computer no doubt. Anyway, the thing is that by the time I had received the email, and logged into the site, the person - or persons - unknown (matched by 73%, since you ask) had deleted their profile. Why? Was it such a shock to get the result? Fear that I might be offended/intrigued/excited/disappointed (insert your own choice of verb).

Now, I can deal with the girls that look like American hookers adding me as 'favourites' (yes, there were two of those as well), and I can deal with rejection. But why then delete the profile? If it is someone who knows me, then why take the test? Surely they know me better than any test will tell them. Morbid curiosity? Perhaps. Knowing that it will puzzle me, and wanting to enjoy the thought that I will waste my time wondering? Maybe.

All I can say is that whoever it was achieved their aim!


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