Thursday, 25 February 2010

25 February 2010

I thought I'd finished writing this. I mean, things are pretty settled. Life isn't entirely settled but that's just the way it is. Right?

Well not quite. MS is still my constant companion, obviously, and I find myself embracing it more. That's not to say I've given up - far from it. But I am more accepting of the limitations it places on me

I know that my energy levels are shot, that I have to think ahead when I want to do anything - not exactly plan it like a military operation, but plan nonetheless.

And I am - with not inconsiderable help from my wonderful family and some magnificent people in the social care arena - getting lots of things sorted out.

Finally I nay actually have suitable housing. It's odd that I was so at ease in my flat that I hadn't stopped to think how hard it makes life. Everything from taking a shower to cooking a simple meal is such a drain on my energy that it's not funny.

I'm also getting a powered wheelchair. This will be another major compromise for me, but I think it may be an enormous benefit. I will actually be able to talk to companions without them bending forward if they're pushing me. I can feel a part of what is going on again.


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