1 November 2010
Today has been a pretty crappy day.
It started so promisingly. The man turned up on time to sort out my heating, and then I set off to work. Parking space at the station, no problem.
I had about 5 minutes before the train. I knew I needed to get some cigarettes, so decided not to try for the train, have a smoke, get the next one.
As I walked down the platform, I was wobbly, really wobbly. I was falling against the wall, the posts, anything handy along the platform. I knew I had over 20 minutes before my train, so no rush. I just needed to make it to the bench, then sit down and rest. Wait for the train.
About 2 yards from the bench, I lost it. My stick was in the wrong place to support me, and I feel forward onto my face. Strange really, as I've generally fallen backwards. So there I was, flat on my face on the floor. Thinking to myself “how did this happen?” Odd really, how things look from down there. To be honest, I could quite happily have stayed there. I was comfortable, it wasn't cold.
But I knew that if I did, someone would ask if I was ok, maybe call an ambulance, certainly cause a fuss. I hate fuss.
So I carefully hauled myself to my feet and manoeuvred myself onto the bench. Whilst I was doing that, the kindly station staff lady was there, asking if I was ok. I love the fact that people are so nice, but I hate it at the same time. It would be fine if they (and I) were helping someone else. Anybody else. But no, it was me.
It started so promisingly. The man turned up on time to sort out my heating, and then I set off to work. Parking space at the station, no problem.
I had about 5 minutes before the train. I knew I needed to get some cigarettes, so decided not to try for the train, have a smoke, get the next one.
As I walked down the platform, I was wobbly, really wobbly. I was falling against the wall, the posts, anything handy along the platform. I knew I had over 20 minutes before my train, so no rush. I just needed to make it to the bench, then sit down and rest. Wait for the train.
About 2 yards from the bench, I lost it. My stick was in the wrong place to support me, and I feel forward onto my face. Strange really, as I've generally fallen backwards. So there I was, flat on my face on the floor. Thinking to myself “how did this happen?” Odd really, how things look from down there. To be honest, I could quite happily have stayed there. I was comfortable, it wasn't cold.
But I knew that if I did, someone would ask if I was ok, maybe call an ambulance, certainly cause a fuss. I hate fuss.
So I carefully hauled myself to my feet and manoeuvred myself onto the bench. Whilst I was doing that, the kindly station staff lady was there, asking if I was ok. I love the fact that people are so nice, but I hate it at the same time. It would be fine if they (and I) were helping someone else. Anybody else. But no, it was me.
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