Thursday, 11 November 2010

11 November 2010

This is an entry that I have agonised about writing. The only reason for my hesitancy is that whilst you don't know who I am, and generally I don't give a damn who knows anything about me, there are one or two people who do know who I am, and I'm not sure that they want to know what I'm about to write. So, if you know me and think that there is a limit to what you'd like to hear, I suggest you avoid this entry.

For some time, I've has impaired sensation. Mostly it's in my fingers. Well, it's in my fingers all the time, sometimes worse than others – especially when I'm tired – but mostly it's ok. At one point I partially lost sensation in the whole lower part of my body – from my waist to my toes. It was pretty distressing, given that a lot of important stuff goes on below my waist. However, after a couple of days the sensation returned, or at least as near as makes no difference.

There is one part of me where it does make a difference though. I'm not sure if it's an age thing, or to do with my reduced energy levels, but I now find it difficult to maintain an erection. It was a problem at first because I was dating someone and I couldn't easily put on a condom. Now since then, I've had a vasectomy, so in an established relationship, where we've both been screened for STDs, it's not an issue. But when I am between relationships, or contemplating a new one, it's important to be able to 'glove up'. In order to do that, I need to have a maintained hard erection. And I can't do that easily, especially if fatigued.

So I went to see my GP. I'd discussed if briefly with him before, but since I couldn't be sure of how long it was going to last (if it was transient or permanent) I left it. But this time, I wanted to follow it through. My GP was brilliant, as always, and I left with a prescription for Viagra. I've only tried one, but the result was fantastic. I felt a little warmth around my face, which was odd, but everything worked exactly as it should. And my sensitivity was enhanced. So now I don't have any fears about when I need to use the blue pill 'in anger'.


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