Tuesday 1 April 2014

31 March 2014

I did something quite sully. I was making some toast with marmalade. That's not the silly part. I dropped the lid of the marmalade jar. It rolled a little way under the cupboard. I could see it. 

Now, if I was sensible, I would have got my 'helping hand'. But nooo, that would be too easy. That would be too sensible. 

I knew it was just out of reach while sitting in old smokey. I knew this because I tried. So the alternative (acknowledging that I had mentally rejected the sensible alternative) was to get down on my knees and reach for it. I got down. I reached. I reunited it with its jar. 

Then I thought I might have been a little overwnthusitic in my rejection of the sensible way. It took some wriggling round but I got up!  I don't think the exclamation mark is inappropriate at this juncture. It was late. I'd more than used up my energy for the day. But I hauled myself up!