Saturday, 5 October 2013

5 October 2013

What a brilliant train journey. As always it went fairly smoothly, but the last leg was in the company of a young mother (well, young by comparison to me!). We did the obligatory dance to decide where I would go and where she would park her pram with her gorgeous sleeping baby boy (they're all gorgeous when asleep, but he was lovely). 

6 month old baby and tomorrow she's running a half marathon!  In aid of Tommy's Campaign. So that started a whole conversation that hadn't finished when I left the train. Her husband came and joined us and the conversation flowed some more. 

I wished her well with her half marathon and left feeling quite warm inside. I've never been one for train conversations, but maybe I will be now. 

What it did confirm is that I love people. 

5 October 2013

As I sat outside the station having a smoke I remembered how I used to ponder why obviously disabled people smoked. It didn't make much sense to me. But, being older and wiser, of course I know that there are so many more reasons for disability than the mind can comprehend. 

It reminded me of the neurologist and the MS nurse both telling me, I guess as some reassurance, that nothing I had done had caused me to have MS. I'm not sure if it reassures me or not. If I'd done something to cause it then at least my logical brain would have something on which to ruminate. 

As it is I can sit in Old Smokey, in stately splendour, in the clear and certain knowledge that nothing I've done or not done has contributed to the way things are. 

Whether that's a comfort or not I've no idea. The only thing I can think is "it is what it is". Which is a pretty tossy proclamation, however true. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

3 October 2013

Strangely the sensation in my thumbs seems to be improving. How this can be I'm damned if I know but I'm not complaining. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1 October 2013

I felt virtuous today. I got up early so that as soon as my PA arrived I had my shower, dressed and wired my FES  

I walked outside, not exactly at a fair old clip but progressively. I need to make sure I resist the temptation to lean on the wall as I walk past it. And I need to do it more often. 

It's amazing how more fuid my legs feel after a shower. Yep. A good day for sure. 

28 September 2013

Today was a very enjoyable day. Had lunch at Tate Modern which is my favourite gallery. The company was equally agreeable; for the first time in a long time I didn't feel out of place. 

No, that's not it. I rarely feel out of place - not since I came to terms with the restrictions MS places on me at least. It was the first time in a long time that I've felt that I was with someone who didn't care about Old Smokey. That's what it was: I didn't feel that being with me was an imposition. That's quite a good feeling.